Bicycle stands
Sometimes repairing a bicycle parked on the ground can be inconvenient, therefore special bicycle stands are designed for this purpose. It is very convenient to adjust gear and brake systems when using them. If the bicycle doesn’t have a kickstand and you don’t want to keep the bicycle leaning against the wall, there are bicycle racks for that - these hold a bicycle on the wall behind the front wheel in a vertical position or behind the frame in a horizontal position. We can offer two types of bicycle racks - securing the front wheel, designed for one bicycle, and bicycle racks from the Swedish manufacturer Thule, securing the frame. The latter bicycle racks can accommodate one, two or even three bicycles on the wall. Bicycle racks at home are a good solution for saving space. These racks will be useful not only in the apartment, but also in the balcony, storeroom, or garage. Such bicycle racks in the garage or other places will help to save space, especially if there is more than one bicycle. If you store your bicycle in a garage, storeroom or balcony, it is recommended to cover it with a special bicycle cover to protect it from dust.
A bicycle rack on the wall is a convenient way to store bicycles in an apartment, garage or smaller premises. You can buy bicycle racks at our stores in Vilnius and in Klaipėda, as well as in the store-warehouse in Šiauliai, and in the online bicycle store - We also grant a 2-year factory warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee for bicycle racks. If you don’t know which bicycle wall rack or garage bicycle rack would suit you, we kindly invite you to contact consultants, who will not only advise you, but also help you choose the best option. You can email at [email protected] and call +370 684 18384.

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